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Here are the Rules of the guild, set forth by the Queen Frog and her Jester.

1.)  Do not tick off the Queen!!!

2.)  Don't be a douche!

3.)  Do not demand things from leadership or others: plat, pl's, etc.

4.)  If you want the guild to grow, then grow it. Do writs and HQ's.

5.) Guild points are assigned as follows:

     A.) Tea/Clam bagging a guildie when they have died = 1 point

     B.)  Every 1,000 guild status earned = 10 points

     C.)  Every 1 plat contributed to guild bank = 1 point

6.)  The person with the most guild points on the first of the month will be the guildy of the    month. (When we have a guild hall) There will be a mannequin in the GH that you will be able to dress up however you want for that month.

7.)  Promotions shall be given out per the Queen and/or Jester's discretion.  Suggestions may be made via in-game mail to the Queen.

8.)  Officer's Responsibilities are as follows:

      A.)  Recruiting non-douche-bag players

      B.)  Handling disputes between guildies when leadership is not available

      C.) Sending mail to leadership outlining any problems

      D.) Conducting themselves in a civil manner at all times.